Two Youngest

Two Youngest

Sunday, February 20, 2011

If I could rule the world, I would???

If we can could the rule in the world, we want to be like this road.
Road is straight but sometimes have a choice
Road is black but sometimes have a white in the middle
Road is fun but most dangerous inside
And The Road don’t taken

If we could rule the world, we would guide all the people such as man must be a Real Man

A REAL MAN respects his mother and places his family first.

A REAL MAN RAISES HIS KIDS, not JUST out of pocket either.

 A REAL MAN supports his woman to develop herself.

 A REAL MAN doesn't worry about what others depict as a real man. Walk in his shoes first and then tell him what makes him A REAL MAN.

A REAL MAN doesn't Break Promises

A REAL MAN wants to spend as much time as he can with you & won't get sick of you.

A REAL MAN comes over just to watch movies with you.

 A REAL MAN doesn't tell you what he thinks you want to hear. He tells you what's real.

 A REAL MAN doesn't leave you to go and hang out with his friends if he hasn't seen you in a week and then call you at 4 in the morning because he needs some loving.

A REAL MAN doesn't deny you.

 A REAL MAN doesn't just think about sex.

 A REAL MAN Doesn't Judge the book by the cover.

A REAL MAN wouldn't use his friendship card to get what he wants.

 A REAL MAN knows the difference between a REAL WOMAN and a random girl.